
24 July 2011

BlackBerry Device Software 6.0

Product Overview

BlackBerry® Device Software 6.0 features a redesigned interface that seamlessly works with a touch screen and trackpad, expanded messaging capabilities that simplify managing social media and RSS feeds, an advanced multimedia experience that rivals the best in the industry, a convenient new Universal Search tool, and a new and efficient WebKit-based browser that renders web pages quickly and beautifully for a great browsing experience.


  • Support for  slide-out keyboard, touch screen and trackpad
  • Enhanced Webkit-based Browser
    • Open multiple web pages at the same time using tabbed browsing
    • Support for HTML 5 
    • View enhanced web page rendering
  • Universal Search
    • Available from the Home screen, Messages Application, Media application, Options application and more
  • Multimedia
    • Music
      • Support for Wi-Fi® music sync
      • Scroll through songs while playing a song
      • Select artist or album to view related songs while playing a song
    • Videos
      • Set video thumbnail
    • Pictures
      • Select multiple pictures at the same time
      • Sort pictures by date
  • Security
    • View IT policy information from the Security Status Information screen in the Options application
  • Pre-loaded applications:
    • Facebook® for BlackBerry® smartphones 1.8
    • BlackBerry Podcasts® for BlackBerry smartphones 1.0
    • Social Feeds® 1.0
    • YouTube™

Compatibility with Existing BlackBerry Smartphones

BlackBerry Device Software 6.0 will debut on the new BlackBerry® Torch™ smartphone and is also designed to run on select BlackBerry smartphones already in market. Subject to carrier certifications in the months ahead, the new OS is expected to be available for the BlackBerry® Bold™ 9700, BlackBerry® Bold™ 9650 and BlackBerry® Pearl™ 3G, as well as future BlackBerry smartphones.


22 July 2011


Ketika itulah baru bermunculan pendapat-pendapat dari kalangan para ulamak
mengenai hukumnya. Pelbagai risalah/kitab yang ditulis mengenainya.
Secara ringkasnya, terdapat 4 pendapat tentang hukum merokok, yaitu:
         1. Haram
         2. Makruh
         3. Boleh
         4. Memperincikan hukum

Berikut ini adalah perinciannya:

1. Haram

Para ulamak dari golongan pertama mengatakannya sebagai haram secara mutlak.
Mereka mengharamkannya atas sebab-sebab berikut:
1. Asap dan bau rokok adalah keji. Firman Allah Taala:
2. Rokok mengakibatkan kematian sebahagian penghisapnya. Firman Allah Taala:
3. Membelanjakan wang untuk rokok merupakan suatu pembaziran. Kerana rokok
tidak membawa sebarang faedah. Firman Allah Taala:
4. Rokok mengandungi kemudaratan yang diakui oleh para doktor. Sabda
Rasulullah s.a.w.:
"Tidak boleh memberi mudarat dan tidak memudaratkan." (HR Malik, Daruquthni & Jamaah)
5. Asap dan bau rokok adalah kotor/tidak bersih. Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w.:
‘Allah itu bersih dan Dia cintakan kebersihan" (HR al-Bazzar)
6. Merokok dapat menyakiti orang yang bersebelahan atau berhampiran
dengannya. Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w.:
"Barangsiapa yang beriman kepada Allah dan dan akhirat, janganlah menyakiti
jirannya." (HR Bukhari & Muslim)

2. Makruh

Para ulamak yang berpendapat bahawa rokok itu makruh adalah dengan beberapa
alasan, antaranya ialah:
1. Merokok memudaratkan kesihatan, lebih-lebih lagi jika ia dihisap dengan
banyak. Manakala yang menghisap sedikit, jika dihimpun-himpun akan menjadi
banyak juga.
2. Mengurangkan harta, sekalipun tidak sampai ke peringkat membazir.
Padahal, jika duit itu digunakan untuk perkara-perkara yang bermafaat adalah
lebih baik lagi.
3. Bau dan asap rokok yang tidak enak boleh menganggu dan menyakiti orang
lain. Sama seperti orang yang memakan bawang mentah, petai, jering dsbnya.
4. Masyarakat memandang rendah orang yang menghisap rokok.
5. Melalaikan seseorang dari mengerjakan ibadah secara sempurna.
6. Orang yang ketagihan rokok, fikirannya menjadi tidak keruan apabila tidak
dapat merokok dalam jangka waktu tertentu.
Syeikh Abu Sahal Muhamad bin al-Wai’z al-Hanafi mengatakan bahawa kemakruhan
merokok disabitkan dengan dalil yang pasti (qath’I), sedangakan keharamannya
disabitkan dengan dalil yang zhanni (tidak pasti).

3. Boleh

Semuanya itu pada asalnya adalah halal. Sedikitpun tidak haram. TETAPI…Ia
akan bertukar menjadi haram seandainya:
a. Ada dalil yang mengharamkannya. Seperti daging babi, asalnya adalah
halal, tetapi sebab ada ayat al-Quran yang mengharamkannya, maka ia bertukar
menjadi haram. Jadi, babi itu haram dimakan bukan sebab dirinya itu haram,
tetapi sebab al-Quran mengharamkannya.
b. Di bawah satu dalil atau kaedah umum yang membawa kepada hukum haram.
Seperti, ada ayat al-Quran yang secara umum melarang membunuh jiwa. Jadi,
kalau kita memakan racun yang boleh membawa maut, maka haram hukumnya. Asal
racun itu adalah halal, tetapi oleh kerana ayat suatu ayat umum yang
melarang membunuh jiwa, maka racun itu bertukar menjadi haram dimakan.
c. Diqiyaskan dengan kepada sesuatu yang haram, yang illahnya bersekutu pada
keduanya. Contohnya, dadah. Mana ada di dalam al-Quran yang menyatakan
secara jelas tentang haramnya dadah. Tetapi, ia diqiyaskan dengan khamar
yang secara jelas diharamkan oleh al-Quran. Khamar diharamkan kerana
memabukkan. Kerana memabukkan itulah yang disebutkan sebagai illah (penyebab
hukum berlaku). Jadi, dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahawa setiap perkara yang
ada illah itu adalah haram hukumnya. Dadah, ada atau tidak illah tersebut
(memabukkan)? Sudah tentu ada! Maka dadah juga dihukumkan haram seperti

Dalil yang digunakan untuk mengharamkan rokok dilalahnya (petunjuk hukum)
bersifat zhanni (tidak pasti). Perkataan keji di dalam ayat yang diberi –
adalah tidak tepat jika memasukkan asap rokok ke dalam sebahagian dari
maksud `keji’ yang dikehendakki oleh al-Quran. Begitu juga dengan membunuh
jiwa. Ia tidaklah secara yakin berlaku kepada semua perokok dan dalam semua
keadaan. Mengenai kemudaratan merokok pula, tidaklah semua yang memudaratkan
itu haram hukumnya. Ada mudarat yang tidak haram. Kemudaratan adalah sesuatu
yang besifat nisbi – ada yang haram dan ada yang makruh. Tentang hujah
mengatakan ia menyakitkan/mengganggu, sama seperti memudaratkan. Tidak
semuanya haram, ada juga menyakitkan itu hanya makruh sahaja. Samalah halnya
dengan hujah lain yang diketengahkan, yaitu: kebersihan dan pembaziran.
Tidak semuanya haram, kerana di sana ada yang makruh sahaja hukumnya.
Komentar :
Mengingat mudharatnya yang sangat jelas, nampaknya pendapat 1 dan 2, lebih

1. Dr. Yusof al-Qardhawi lebih cenderung kepada hukum haram merokok..
2. Para ulamak Hijaz juga cenderung kepada hukum haram merokok.
3. Syeikh Mahmud Syaltut cenderung kepada hukum haram merokok.
4. Syeikh Abu Sahal Muhamad bin al-Wa’izh al-Hanafi condong kepada hukum   makruh.
5. Syeikh Abdul Ghani al-Nabilisi mengatakan boleh
6. Syeikh Athiyah Saqr condong kepada pendapat yang memperincikan hukum merokok.


BlackBerry Bold 9700 review

RIM's successor to the original Bold -- the BlackBerry Bold 9700 -- has finally landed on our doorsteps. The 9000 is in many ways a hard act to follow. Hardware-wise, it lived up to its name, going where most phones never went with its retro, leathery, nearly clunky looks in an age of rounded edges and shiny curves. Don't get us wrong -- we loved the 9000's aesthetics obsessively -- which is why we couldn't wait to get our hands on its newborn child. A few questions we had in mind: would the 9700 live up to its predecessor's notoriously uncompromising fashion sense? Would the new Bold feel as good to hold and use in the hand as its loving parent? How would it stack up against other, new devices from RIM? If these are the kind of questions you think you might want answers to, read on for our impressions.

As we already mentioned, we were serious fans of the original Bold's hardware, and it would be pretty hard for a successor to live up to it. As far as we were concerned, it really had no close competitors in terms of mobile phone design and, you know, attitude. What we liked most about it aesthetically was its fearless defiance of conventional phone stylings at the time of its release. Faux leather and chrome edging rather than plastic all combined to produce a phone that was just a little off the beaten path, that felt substantial in our hands, and that definitely caught and kept our attention. The 9700 has kept some of those details -- there's still bits of chrome and leather here -- but it's also dropped nearly any flourish of attitude from the original design. RIM's chucked out the weird metal surrounding the camera on the back, and the full, old timey-looking leather battery cover, in favor of what essentially amounts to a Tour with an optical trackpad. Honestly, we recognize our own personal oddities, and understand that a lot of RIM's choices here favor modernization of the handset, which we heartily support. However, we also sort of wish the designers had had some exciting new ideas to add to this Bold -- but it feels like they didn't. The new Bold is all about, well, normalizing the handset and bringing it up to speed with other new RIM offerings, a la the 8520 or the Tour, as we previously mentioned.

We do, however, love the smaller, more sleek form factor of the whole package, and the device feels nice in the hand. Much more streamlined than the previous Bold, the 9700 feels light without feeling overly cheap, though it does feel a little less substantial than older BlackBerrys to us. We prefer the leather-strip on the back's feel over the slightly more rubberized Tour, and the rubberized volume rocker on the right side is preferable to the 9000's variation.

The QWERTY keyboard will be familiar to a Bold (or more recently, Tour) user, and it's worthy of our affection. Typing on it is a joy, and if you've been away from it for a while, as we had, it's just like getting back on a bicycle... it all comes back to you, and you're in love again pretty quickly. That said, the 9700 is much smaller than the 9000 or the Tour, and you'll feel that. We still don't mistype on the keyboard, but we could see the larger-handed among us feeling pretty cramped.

RIM's gone ahead and popped its new optical trackpad into the 9700, too, and this is one modernization we can really get behind. Yes, it takes a little getting used to -- but in our opinion it makes a far superior navigational tool and provides a smoother experience. Regardless, we were also big fans of the old trackball, but this is probably the right direction for RIM to move its hardware in. All of the 9700's other hardware buttons feel great and clicky, and we have no complaints about them.

The 480 x 360 display on the 9700 is up from the 480 x 320 of the original Bold, but in practical terms, it looks very much the same -- also terrifically clear, crisp and beautiful. The colors are bright, but we find ourselves wishing for a bit more screen real estate, (which is par for the course in our experiences with BlackBerrys), especially in the increasingly sad browsing experience. More on that in a moment.

The 3.2 megapixel camera (up from 2.0 on the original) is noticeably improved, with crisper images, and it responds a lot faster than the 9000 as well. They've ditched the 3x digital zoom for a 2x digital zoom, which in practice is fine with us as the extreme zoom always produced rather disappointing results, anyway.

This brings us to the performance of the 9700 in terms of user experience. Although the processor is clocked at the same 624MHz as its older sibling, the 9700's obviously got some special sauce under the hood, because with no interface changes in sight, this device is much snappier overall. Navigation, which has always been pretty quick on a BlackBerry, is tightened up a bit, and we found that opening up a bunch of applications stressed our device out a lot less than the original Bold, which was sometimes inclined to give us the dreaded clock. Thankfully, we haven't seen much of the old lag here -- and the fact that the 9700 ships with BlackBerry's OS 5.0 probably helps it along a bit, too. The battery -- which RIM says gets about 6 hours of talk time -- seems like a real strong point on the phone, and is more than adequate to get through a full day's heavy use.

Call quality is good, and the volume is nice and loud, though we can't help but feel the speaker phone is a bit weaker than the 9000's, but that could just be our weakening hearing, of course. RIM says it's enhanced the browser on this newest device, and we'll admit it's a bit faster, but as we said earlier, we are left with the feeling that browsing on a BlackBerry will not be satisfactory until there's a serious updating of the software.

And, at the end of the day, that's one thing we can't get past -- serious BlackBerry enthusiasts will tell you that the interface is doing just fine, and there are plenty of reasons to get hooked on these devices. For us, however, the BlackBerry UI is showing its age, and ultimately, beautiful hardware aside, this device is essentially exactly the same as every other BlackBerry. Whether that's a good thing or not, we'll leave you to decide. The BlackBerry Bold 9700 (as you can see) is headed for T-Mobile by Black Friday, and the AT&T variety will appear on November 22nd. Both carriers are offering the handset for $199 with a 2-year contract (AT&T's deal requires a $100 mail-in rebate).


The Blackberry Bold 9700 China Phone

Buying a China Phone is less expensive as compared with the original product. However, there is a huge difference between them that limits your capability when you brought a clone. One of the biggest flaw is that you wont be able to install any programs or software on your China Phone.

I did purchase my a Blackberry Bold 9700 China Phone and its appearance do look exactly the same with the original. It's a perfect copy from the outside but not from what's in the inside.

Blackberry Bold 9700

Moreover, there are also some interesting features of this China Phone and one of my most favorite part is its Wi-Fi capability. You can connect to the internet by accessing a network available on your area. This phones also comes with an Opera or the Wap browser that you can use with your searches.

Other than the Wi-Fi function is that you can watch your favorite television show on this phone. Simply pull down the antenna located on the lower left bottom then search for an available channel.

There's more interesting features that I haven't mentioned on this discussion and all I can say is that it's another good phone to be considered.

20 July 2011


askum & selamat bertemu kembali..

aku sebenarnya sesal sngt td sb saje ingt nk cuba templat bru tp lupa nk backup dulu yg lama, so skrg semua dah hilang & kene la buat bru.. yang bru ni mcm xmnarik sngt lagi la sb kene add bnyak benda yg dah hilang tu,, so sape2 ad cadangan @ komen utk mencantikkan blog aku ni, silakan la, aku alu alukan... sorry la kalau korang rasa xcun templat bru ni.. nnt aku akan repair blk kalau sempat.. tq

19 July 2011

Take Me Home Tonight

As the summer of 1988 winds down, three friends on the verge of adulthood attend an out-of-control party in celebration of their last night of unbridled youth. Starring Topher Grace, Anna Faris, Dan Fogler and Teresa Palmer, Take Me Home Tonight is a raunchy, romantic and ultimately touching blast from the past set to an awesome soundtrack of timeless rock and hip-hop hits.
Recent MIT grad Matt Franklin (Topher Grace) should be working for a Fortune 500 company and starting his upward climb to full-fledged yuppie-hood. Instead, the directionless 23-year-old confounds family and friends by taking a part-time job behind the counter of Suncoast Video at the Sherman Oaks Galleria.
But Matt’s silent protest against maturity comes to a screeching halt once his unrequited high school crush, Tori Frederking (Teresa Palmer), walks into the store. When she invites him to an epic, end-of-summer party, Matt thinks he finally might have a chance with the girl of his dreams. With his cynical twin sister Wendy (Anna Faris) and best friend Barry (Dan Fogler), Matt embarks on a once-in-a-lifetime evening. From stealing a car to a marriage proposal to an indescribable, no-holds-barred dance-off, these friends share experiences that will change the course of their lives on one unforgettable night in the Go-Go ’80s.

Picture credits to

watch trailer....

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